TheTechnicalTake blog offers premium content that is available on a subscription basis. The premium content will be centered around the Rydex asset data.  In particular, I will provide you with the set of 9 Rydex charts on a daily basis.  You can see what this would look like by clicking on this link.  In addition, I will be providing context to the data in the form of a daily commentary.  This commentary could be as specific as a strategy that tells you when to buy and sell or it could just be interpretative.  Click on this link to see one such strategy.  Lastly, the premium service will be administered through; our blog will be private and allow for secure dissemination and discussion of the data.

The cost of this premium service is $104 per year.  There is recurrent billing, but you are only obligated to pay one year at a time.  For this you will receive the daily report and access to our private blog.  The report will be made available prior to the market open. 10 trading days a year, at my determination, the report will not be published.  There will be no refunds.  However, if I am unable to fulfill my obligations or if Rydex stops publishing the data, I will gladly refund you a prorated portion of your subscription fee for the term of the service that you did not use.

So how does this work?  First, you subscribe to the premium content by clicking on the "Premium Content" icon in the upper left hand corner of the blog or via the "Premium Content" link at the top of blog.  This will take you to PayPal, and this service will handle all of the transactions securely.  Once your transaction is complete, I will send you an email inviting you to sign up with the Premium Content blog.  To activate your subscription, you will need to obtain a username and password from  If you don't want to obtain a username and password from, then you will not have access to the "Premium Content".  The blog is private, and it is through this venue that I will distribute the daily Rydex content.

For your subscription fee, I will limit the posts on TheTechnicalTake blog and other blogs pertaining to the Rydex data to the following circumstances: 1) once a week (usually on the weekend) I publish a synopsis of investor sentiment; this commentary will continue to have one Rydex chart; 2) 48 hours (or two trading days) after you receive the daily report, I can use the data and charts on TheTechnicalTake blog; in general, these commentaries will serve to highlight what information our premium content subscribers had available to them two days ago; 3) lastly, I may publish the daily Rydex data on other blogs and websites; this will be on a limited basis as it is my intention to keep this data as unique and fresh as possible for paying subscribers. 

Now would be a good time to mention that  subscribers to the premium content will adhere to the "Terms of Use Agreement" and the "Disclaimers" policy for TheTechnicalTake blog.

To sign up for the Premium Content please click on the icon below: